
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Redemption From Depression and Handling of Problems is No More a Problem

Ubqari Magazine - November 2013

Doctor Abdul Tauheed.

Do not spend too much time in this exercise. Only 2–3 minutes are enough. Devote all of your concentration on these exercises. Take a few deep breathes after these exercises and stand up. Perform this deed many times during the day so much so that you grasp them completely.

Life is the name of worries, sorrows, pains, joys and agonies. These things are an important part of our life. All such changes whether they are positive or negative develop some tension in our life. Call it stress or anxiety, it produces symptoms of illness in the affected person. These people become victims of pain, weakness, hopelessness, lack of sleep, irritability, lack of concentrations and various other physical and psychological symptoms. In their severity these symptoms convert into the illness of depression.

Mild tension is involved in every angle of our life. And they prepare us to participate in the competitions of life. No matter if it is the beginning of an activity, you have to participate in the exams, give an interview, make a speech. In all of these circumstances tension and the physical and mental states are natural. And they do not become a cause for any loss.

On the other hand there is a state of illness of the tension. If it is produced at once and it is not cured timely, it takes the shape of a never ending circle. Physical and mental symptoms are developed due to tension. And due to these symptoms the state of tension is produced. And without eliminating this circular state of tension we cannot get rid of tension.

In our daily life we certainly find such people who remain victims of severe tension. Their faces have signs of sadness. Anxiety can be seen from their movements. Their eyes are damp and they appear to be ready for crying. When they are advised to be calm they get irritated at once and ask, but how?

Calming exercises are the healing cure of this tension. Due to help of these, all the people can remain calm and deal with the whole situation easily. The word calm is very easy to say although, but very few people have become acquainted with the methods of attaining it. Calmness is such a state due to which body and mind both undergo beneficial changes. Our tension is reduced. And the speed of breathing also becomes slow and balanced. Blood pressure reduces. Our thought process improves. Power of concentration improves. And we feel ourselves to be as calm. In this state those problems that used to appear like mountains under stress, now seem to be solvable. It does not sound difficult to be able to handle the problems.

Calming exercises are very easy to do. In order to do them neither one requires a special place nor does one require expensive apparatus. We only have to be sincere to ourselves; we have to wish for the attainment of calmness. But one thing is obvious that one cannot learn these exercises within the blink of an eye. In order to master them you would have to spare time separately and perform them. Only then we can attain the eternal wealth of calmness and peace. We can control dizziness and sadness. And we can bring a positive change in all spheres of life and live a happy life.

Be Calm: There is only one way to become calm. This only seeks a time of 2–5 minutes from you. This only means to stay away from tension completely while not doing anything. This deed can be done at any time and at any place. Close your eyes. Remove all the thoughts from your brain and focus it towards your body. Now relax all of your muscles. So much so that you will feel that these muscles have become lifeless. You can even instruct yourself. Whisper to yourself, just relax, and be calm.

Do not spend too much time on this exercise. Only two to three minutes are enough. Focus all of your attention to the exercises. After this exercise take a few deep breaths and stand up. Perform this activity many times during the day. So much so that you acquire complete mastery over it. But bear this thing in mind, that in order to achieve this do not overburden yourself that may itself produce tension.

After overcoming the initial stage of this you can use this exercise in various other chores of your daily life. For example at the event of your evening tea, while traveling, in the office while doing your work, During business meetings, Similarly, develop control about how to keep yourself calm under every situation.

Taking Control of Breathing: After mastering the previous exercise thoroughly, concentrate on your breathing process. Feel the air while you breathe. Feel that air is entering your body, it is passing through the nose and then through the throat, and entered the lungs. Try to slow down your breathing. Breathe in extremely slowly. Try to enter the air through the nose and release it through the mouth. While releasing the air out of the mouth feel that your tension is going away. And that you are feeling calm. There is another breathing exercise that you can do easily. That is different from this, but it has very beneficial. In the process of breathing when air enters your lungs, stop it in your lungs for a while, till the time you can carry on with this. After this release it out slowly from your mouth. No matter what breathing exercise you do, normally it is equally beneficial. But this benefit is conditional upon one thing that your concentration is completely focused on your breathing.

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